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  Rachel, Rachael & Rakel
Rafaela, Raffaela & Raffaele
Rahul & Raul
Rain, Rainn & Raine
Ralph & Ralf 
Randall & Randal 
Randy & Randi 
Ray, Raye, Rey, & Wray
Raymond & Raimund 
Rea, Rhea
Rebecca, Rebeca, Rebecka & Rebekah
Red & Redd
Reece, Reese, Rhys
Rene, Renee
Reni, Renny
Reid & Reed 
Remy & Remi 
Ret & Rhett 
Rhea & Rea
Ric, Rick & Rik
Rick & Ric
Ricky & Rikki
Ricardo & Riccardo
Richie, Ritchie, Richey
Rickie, Ricki, Ricky, Riki & Rikki
Rita & Reta
Rob & Robb
Robby, Robie, Robbie & Roby ;
Robin, Robben, Robbin, Robinne & Robyn
Rod & Rodd
Romolo & Romulo
Ron, Ronn
Ronnie, Ronni, Roni & Ronny
Rosa & Roza
Rosalyn & Rosalynn
Rosamond & Rosamund
Rosana, Rosanna, Rosane, Rossana, & Roseanna
Rosanne & Roseanne
Rose & Roze
Rosi, Rosy, & Rosey
Roxann & Roxanne
Ruben &Rubin
Rubi, Rube & Ruby
Rudi, Rudy &
Rude & Ruud
Rudolf & Rudolph
Russell & Russel
Rusty & Rustee
Ryan, Rian & Rien

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