We are here to celebrate the lives of the famous people past and present, greats from all walks of life. They include heroes, icons, stars and visionaries. Some are no longer with us however many are very much alive. Some are pretty great, others are truly great. These people have inspired and entertained us throughout our lives. They may have even directly touched your life. Some are well-known and admired while others may be remembered for better or worse. For this reason we also include notorious villains and rogues. Browse all famous people here

*The Famous Birthdays are currently undergoing daily improvements and updates. The updates include - arranging the names alphabetically with more information and adding more famous people. After all, a star IS born every day! Currently these updates are carried as much as in advance as we can of today's and tomorrow's celebrity birthday listings! 

*What exactly are they famous for? To learn more about celebrities not shown with an image, a click-able link will soon be supplied. Until then, navigate to their names via the A - Z links at the top and bottom of each page.

*About the coloring of Male and Female names.  
* Examples of abbreviations and wording.

* The term “Award Winning” is omitted from all mini-biographies to avoid the requirement of updating each celebrity’s details each time an award is earned. Keeping things simple.

* Titles and awards such a CBE, OBE, FRSA, MD are not displayed nor Lord, Lady, Sir etc.. {Apologies to all the holders of these titles}. This takes away the need for constantly updating the mini-biographies whilst the site is implementing the work outlined at the top of this page. The information given is simply to explain what they are or were famous for.

* Film -- This refers to a movie, or a made-for-TV film. Including movies - made for the cinema {UK}and the theatre {USA}.

*Can't find the celebrities you're searching for!? click here for more information. Our aim is to build the most comprehensive famous people's birthday database. 
*To report problems: If you find an error or broken link or something is just not working, please Contact us to make the necessary corrections improving the site for all. 

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